Monday, December 29, 2008

Ratings for Websites

The UK follows Australia in a call for ratings systems for websites. The Telegraph reported on Sat., a call by the UK's Cultural Minister for a ratings system similar to cinema for websites. The UK is reported to be interested in working with the US to develop the first of the kind standards for English language websites.

The standards would likely include a time limit for sites to take down questionable content when it is brought to their attention. This standard would be targeted at sites like YouTube and Facebook that are dominated by user generated content.

"If you look back at the people who created the Internet they talked very deliberately about creating a space that governments couldn't reach," Andy Burnham told The Telegraph. "I think we are having to revisit that stuff seriously now."

As a marketer, what are your thoughts about ratings? Join the discussion on the AMA Pittsburgh blog by submitting your comments or topics.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Looking at the Year in Online

Online and new media had another year of growth in preliminary numbers reported:

Time Spent Online ................ +8%
Online Video Views................ +40%
Blogs....................................... +20%
Online Advertising................ +17% (Through the first 3 quarters, expect it to be lower when 4Q is reported)
ECommerce........................... +17% (Smaller than previous years, but still respectable growth)

Online is now the 3rd largest advertising medium.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What is Viral Good For?

Following up from last week's post on tools for viral marketing, comes a new chart this week from Marketing Sherpa detailing what marketing activities viral is good at. Survey respondents ranked brand building the highest:

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Viral Statistics from New Study

From Marketing Sherpa's new online video benchmark survey, comes their first chart detailing what respondents state are the best ways to go viral. The survey is very mixed, which leads me to the take away that there is no magic pill and testing and trial will determine what is best for you:

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Online Video Growing

From Forester Research and Marketing Profs, this survey shows online video as the single largest increase among marketers:

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Social Media Consolidations Around the Corner?

Most industries go through consolidation where smaller companies merge with others to get bigger or bigger gobble up smaller to expand. Web pioneers went through consolidation to form more sustainable enterprises. Sometimes consolidations did not work out so well in the long term. AOL comes to mind as an example.

It is inevitable that Web 2.0 will have similar consolidations.

Web 2.0 is in its infancy still in my opinion, but there are some large players with cash. My Space has the Fox bank behind it. Google is in position to be a player. Facebook has some power as well.

The current state of the economy could accelerate this trend. My Space was bold enough to state that those knocking on its door have cheaper asking prices. Yahoo is of course in play. Facebook was recently courting Twitter.

As cash will be tight for many start ups in the future with investments being closely monitored and advertising dollars in decline by cash strapped brands.

One thing is for certain social media will be interesting to watch and work with in the next year.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Recession Impacts on Marketing

It is Tuesday so it is time to share a chart from Marketing Sherpa. This is a very timely survey as news came out yesterday that the US has been in recession since December of last year. The survey shows spending cuts from marketing organizations with travel, vendors and staff taking the biggest hits.

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