Friday, June 6, 2008

Marketing Trends Study Released

Eloqua Corporation recently conducted its 2008 “State of the Marketer” survey. Eloqua is a leading supplier of automated demand- generation technology and services, and has partnered with the American Marketing Association to produce webinars on how marketing can increase sales effectiveness.
Highlights of the survey as published by IMedia Connection include:

  • Online advertising growth is more than expected with 40% of respondents saying they have radically increased spending in this area. This growth is expected to continue to increase over the next 3 years.
  • Respondents expect to increase social media spend by 78%, direct email by 74%, and texting/SMS spend by 65% (Though marketers do not like to receive texts themselves)
  • Traditional channels such as print advertising, direct mail, and broadcast spend has stayed the same, but is expected to decrease in the next 3 years
  • 64% of marketers believe their marketing programs are more effective today than 3 years ago
  • 64% also believe that direct mail still works
  • 95% of those surveyed said they plan to maintain or increase marketing staff over the next 3 years
  • 86% feel the pressure is growing for them to be accountable, while 68% are measuring marketing accountability to the bottom line
The survey also found that the marketing and sales divide has improved as well.

Enjoy your weekend and don’t forget to send us your member spotlights to be included in future friendly Friday posts.

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