Wednesday, July 9, 2008

SEO Myths

SEO seems to have a magical quality to it, call it Google Mystique. Some think of it as a game. Some think of it as an impossible task. In this article, we look at some common SEO myths.

Michael Estrin a regular contributor to IMedia Connection wrote an excellent article titled ‘10 SEO Myths Debunked’. I’d like to share and discuss some of those myths.

Myth: Secret Tactics

Many believe you need to fool the search engines or try some out of the ordinary measures in order to gain position in search engine rankings. Before you try the next big hit tool, go back and read the SEO basics. Start with the basics and look to see if your site is optimized properly. If you do the basics well, we guarantee you that you will see results. Once you have the basics down then take a look at some other strategies and see what makes sense for you.

Myth: Optimize Only For Google

Yes, optimize for Google, but remember there are many other engines out there that people still use. Don’t forget the other guys.

Myth: SEO is Free

Paid search has now been classified as SEM (Search Engine Marketing). So if you are not payine then SEO is free. It is not free. Even if you do it yourself, there is still the cost of your time. How much is that worth? A SEO consultant has a cost. So do many of the tools that were in yesterday’s post that can help you with optimization.

Myth: SEO is a One Time Event

We have all seen this. You have just redesigned your website so its time for SEO. SEO is an ongoing program that should be measured, tweaked and integrated into marketing programs.

Myth: SEO Will Take Years to Show Results

Even though SEO is an ongoing program, most experts (and so do I) agree that you can see measurable results in 30-60 days.

Myth: Accessibility Doesn’t Matter

Usually, accessibility is the first thing I notice is a problem when I am asked to review a site for SEO. SEO and update ability of a site are the first thing that is sacrificed for design. I am all in favor of pleasing and forward thinking design, but you must balance design with functionality.
With the advent of mobile devices like the IPhone that gives users the chance to view the web, accessibility is even more important. Flash heavy sites choke IPhone users. They also throw off search engines. Build your site’s architecture for accessibility and use Flash where appropriate to enhance a site.

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