Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Upcoming New Member Breakfast

AMA Pittsburgh welcomes you to join your fellow marketers and the American Marketing Association Pittsburgh Chapter Board at our Fall Orientation.

Who Should Attend:
  • New Members interested in learning more about the benefits and uses of their AMA membership.
  • Current Members looking to become more active in their membership
  • Non-Members looking to find out what the AMA is all about.

Date: November 4, 2009
Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Location: BNY Mellon Client Service Center, 500 Ross Street, Visitor’s Center, Second Floor, Room 214

Click here for more information and to RSVP!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Trend Spotting and Setting Summit

Join the AMA Pittsburgh for the Trend Spotting and Setting Summit on October 8 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Downtown Pittsburgh.

Follow the evolution of marketing trends: how trends get started, the psychology behind why people follow trends, its impact on market research and what trends are on the horizon. A complimentary edition of the book, "2011: Trendspotting for the Next Decade" by Richard Laermer, will be provided to every attendee including a book signing opportunity.

Richard Laermer, CEO, RLM Public Relations
As CEO of RLM, Laermer's client list includes Obopay, HotChalk, FlypMedia, Reed Business CEO Tad Smith, Scitable, Epic Advertising and Yodlee. Following "2011: Trendspotting for the Next Decade", Laermer released the recessionary paperback "Punk Marketing" from HarperCollins and also co-hosted TLC's business makeover show Taking Care of Business.

Yvonne Campos, CEO, Campos Inc.
Yvonne is an active member of the Pittsburgh business community and has been recognized locally, regionally and nationally for her entrepreneurial spirit and community involvement. She has led her company to become the premier research company in this market by introducing new and innovative research techniques and unparalleled customer service.

Lindsay Zaltman, Managing Director, Olson Zaltman Associates
Lindsay is co-author of the book "Marketing Metaphoria" by the Harvard Business Press. He has been published or cited in numerous publications including The Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, Fast Company Magazine and The Journal of Business Research. He has lectured extensively at various companies and conferences around the globe.

Dee Schlotter, Brand Manager, Color, Pittsburgh Paints
Dee brings more than 6 years of color marketing experience and 12 years of paint experience to The Voice of Color program. Dee also launched the Pure Performance line of environmental paints. She continues to work closely with the Rachel Carson Homestead foundation and Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater that require environmentally-sound paints and authentic color palettes.

Event Details
What: Trend Spotting and Setting Summit
When: October 8, 2009, 7:30AM - 11:30 AM
Where: DoubleTree Hotel, Downtown Pittsburgh

Please join us for this don't-miss event! Click here for details and to register.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Big League Marketing

Join Lou DePaoli CMO of the Pittsburgh Pirates for "Big League Marketing in Challenging Times". It is the AMA Pittsburgh luncheon event for May at the Doubletree on May7th.

Thursday, May 7, 2009 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

DoubleTree Hotel
One Bigelow Square
Pittsburgh, PA

About Lou DePaoli
Lou DePaoli joined the Pirates as their Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer on 9/26/08. In his position, he oversees the club’s marketing, ticket sales, corporate sponsorship, and communications efforts for the Pirates.

DePaoli previously worked for the Atlanta Spirit organization, where he held the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for the Atlanta Hawks of the National Basketball Association, Atlanta Thrashers of the National Hockey League, and Phillips Arena. In this position he was responsible for all marketing, ticket sales, corporate sponsorship sales, communications, and community development efforts for the organization.

Prior to joining the Atlanta Spirit in May of 2005, DePaoli was the National Basketball Association’s Vice President of Team Marketing and Business Development in the NBA’s Team Marketing and Business Operations department. There, Lou worked with the NBA, Women’s National Basketball Association and National Basketball Development League senior management on all business initiatives, including ticket sales, sponsor sales and service, marketing, advertising and promotions. DePaoli, who started in the NBA League Office in December of 2000, worked closely with the NBA clubs to improve their business operations and to implement the industry’s best practices.

DePaoli also worked for the Florida Marlins from 1996 to 2000, serving first as the Director of Ticket Sales and then as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for the club. With the Marlins, DePaoli’s duties included overseeing ticket sales, sponsorship sales, marketing and customer service. During tenure with the Marlins, the club won a World Series title in 1997. While with the Marlins, DePaoli was also the subject of the Sports Illustrated article "Fishing For Marlins Fans” written by acclaimed columnist Rick Reilly in the March 9, 1998 issue.

Prior to joining the Marlins in 1996, DePaoli was Vice President of Sales for the Worcester IceCats Hockey Club of the American Hockey League (AHL) from the inaugural 1994-95 season through the beginning of the 1996-97 season.

Graduate of the University of Massachusetts where he earned his BA in Management of Professional Sports Organizations.

Register for this event here.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Career Expo Event

The AMA Pittsburgh Job Hunting Support Group was notified about a career expo event being held next week:

Showcase Career Expo 11:00am to 3:00pm Tuesday, May 12 Mall at Robinson has hundreds of Pittsburgh area jobs – at companies hiring now! Post your resume in minutes so employers can find you. On May 12th you will have the opportunity o interview with Pittsburgh’s best companies at Showcase Career Expos –

The group meets once a month to share ideas and assist others in finding jobs. You do not have to be an AMA member to attend. This space will keep you up to date on upcoming group events.

Two Upcoming Networking Events

AMA Pittsburgh will hold its monthly happy hour for April on Thurs. 30th (Just got it in this month). This month's Happy Hour will be held at Eleven in the Strip (1150 Smallman St.) Come network with fellow marketing professionals from 5:30 -7:30PM and enjoy appetizers courtesy of AMA Pittsburgh. Cash Bar. This event is free so there is no need to register.

PRSA Pittsburgh's Speed Networking Bailout Event

Only $5 (at the door) with complimentary appetizers and cash bar. PRSA Pittsburgh wants to bail you out! Please join us for a speed networking event where we'll be taking out the step of approaching others with quick, organized sessions where you will be paired with others to network. Who knows who you'll meet and what opportunities lay ahead? Don't forget your business cards and have your "elevator speech" ready!RSVP by sending your name, organization/school and how many people will be attending by Wednesday, May 6 to Connie George at

Check the AMA Pittsburgh website for more upcoming events, including "Big League Marketing in Challenging Times" on May 7th.

Monday, April 20, 2009

AMA Pgh Job Hunt Support Group Meeting Notes April 15

AMA Pgh Job Hunt Support Group

Highlights from April 15 meeting

Here are the notes and ideas from the April 15 meeting. Thanks all for contributing.

Next meeting scheduled for May 14 8:00 am at BNY Mellon Client Service Center downtown. This will be a different format, combining our usual twice-yearly New Member Orientation with the Job group, to promote attendance and networking for both groups. You must RSVP to Mike Kaulakis by May 11 to be admitted to this event.

The national membership drive. Is now running. There is a $50 savings for new members. If you have no other reason to join, it will give you access to the 38,000+ AMA members across the country.

Suggestions/questions from the group:

Word FM Job Fair April 23 11 AM – 3 PM at Sheraton Station Square

4/22: Career Fair sponsored by KDKA-TV and Pittsburgh's CW at Heinz History Center Pittsburgh. Looking for a career or looking for workers, CBS TV Pittsburgh KDKA/WPCW is holding a career fair 4/22 10a-4pm. Companies looking to hire, contact for more info on how you can participate.

The Career Development Center has a networking event April 30. More info at:

Career coaching at Lifelong Leadership was recommended:

The Pgh Tech Council has a good online job bank at:

The new Rivers Casino has a job fair April 29:

There are many opportunities for marketing volunteers to help the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council. Contact me for more info or follow this link for some examples:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Green Marketing Summit Thursday

Don't miss the first Green Marketing Summit.  National and local speakers will be on hand this Thursday, April 9th from 8:30 to 12:30 to discuss sustainable marketing ideas and give their insight.

All the details are available on the AMA Pittsburgh website.  Register today.  There is also a special workshop in the afternoon limited to 25 participants.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

AMA Job Support Group Meeting Notes

In an effort to share more of what is happening around AMA Pittsburgh, Mike Kaulakis suggested that we share meeting notes from Wednesday's Job Hunting Support Group in this space.  The Job Hunting Support Group invites those seeking a job and those that wish to help job seekers to meet once a month.  It is people helping people and it is open to all members and non members of AMA Pittsburgh.

Thanks to Mike for preparing these meeting notes:

Good turnout - 15 or so and a good mix of job-seekers and job-helpers
Next meeting is scheduled for April 15 11:00 AM at Panera Blvd. of the Allies in Oakland.
Meeting notes will be available on AMA Pittsburgh blog for access to all interested.

Suggestions/Questions from Group

  • Anyone familiar with Papen?  Local weekly job group meetings North/South split.  $10 contribution.  More info at 
  • Kiran Shetty has a lead on medical product marketing positions in eastern PA - Contact Mike if interested.
  • Attended Diversity Job Fair Tues Mar. 24th - a waste (Anyone know of any job fairs that would be of interest to more experienced job seekers?)
  • Attended Pink Slip Party @ Mullaney's.  Got lead on George Swanik III - Action career development
  • Leukemia Society organized party w/$10 donation.  Contact 412-697-2863
  • Pittsburgh Business Times has a free SmartReader Strategies Seminar on April 3 from 8:30-10:00 AM
  • Westvac career event April 22nd (If you have more details on this event, please leave them as a comment to this post)
  • Volunteer opportunities posted to AMA Pittsburgh site for and Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council
  • Pittsburgh Chapter has a Power Roundtable scheduled for April 8th.  Free for TIE member/$30 for others
  • Innovation Works was mentioned as a source for events but none listed on site for 2009 (If anyone has more details, please let us know)
  • Dave Roberts will research upcoming job fairs, etc. from his former employer (Thanks Dave!)
  • Business Leads Exchange meets monthly for lunch - $15
  • Vista Print is a source for free business cards
If you have any topics or comments, please feel free to submit them to the AMA Pittsburgh blog.  Don't forget the Hyde Park Happy Hour networking event is tonight.


Apr 9 - Green Marketing Summit
Apr 15 - Job Hunting Support Group

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Upcoming AMA Events

Next week features two free events from the American Marketing Association Pittsburgh Chapter:

Wednesday, March 25: Job Hunting Support Group

The new Job Hunting Support Group will meet at 8AM at Panera Bread in Oakland (Blvd of the Allies).  The group's mission is to help each other in difficult economic times.  All are welcome to participate and feel free to pass this invite along to others that may be interested.  RSVP to Mike Kaulakis by March 24, 2009.

Thursday, March 26: Happy Hour at Hyde Park

Join us at the March AMA Pittsburgh happy hour.  Network with your peers and socialize.  5:30 - 7:30 PM.  Free appetizers, cash bar.  No reservations needed - this event is free.  Hyde Park is at 247 North Shore Drive (Next to PNC Park).  

Don't forget to mark your calendars for April 9th for the first Green Marketing Summit.  Details on the AMA Pittsburgh website.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Unsubscribe Reasons

This week's chart comes from Marketing Sherpa.  The survey details the reasons for unsubscribing from an email list.  

Join the discussion on the AMA Pittsburgh blog by submitting your topics or comments.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Obama's Winning Lessons

Join the AMA Pittsburgh for a luncheon on Thursday, March 12th.

Mar 12 Luncheon: Winning Business Lessons of the
Obama Campaign
, Featuring Barry Libert, author of Barack, Inc.

Barry Libert is a business executive, author, and speaker based in Boston, Massachusetts. He has more than 25 years of executive leadership and entrepreneurial experience, and has been instrumental in advancing the awareness and use of Web 2.0 and social technologies within the business world.

You can register for this event here.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Integrating Social Media

This weeks chart comes from Marketing Sherpa. Marketers were asked how they are integrating social media with other marketing programs. Most are integrating with online programs only. Let us know how you are currently integrating social media into your marketing mix.
Join the discussion by submitting your topics or comments to the AMA Pittsburgh blog.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Process of Finding Work

Tomorrow the AMA Pittsburgh Job Hunting Support Group will meet at 8AM at Big Dog Coffee at 2717 Sarah Street in the South Side. The event will focus on brainstorming. You are welcome to come out and share a cup of coffee and ideas on how to find a job in this economy.

Keeping with this subject, I have asked Neal Griebling of Future Design Studio to guest post in this space on the process of finding work in recessionary times.

From Neal:

It’s my experience that we, as Americans, are an impatient lot. We seek immediate satisfaction, gratification, and results. Moreover, we not only seek these things, we expect them. When our expectations are not met, we give up and walk away.

George Leonard in his wonderful book, entitled Mastery, writes with great eloquence about how certain types of individuals react to the challenges of mastering any skill. He focuses on the martial arts, but his analysis and insightful suggestions could apply to learning any skill. He counsels patience, discipline, and focusing on process.

The search for work is filled with stress and anxiety. We are impatient; we want results today, or if not today, then tomorrow. What we must realize is how little control we have over results. Will the HR specialist read our resume, will our friends seek leads on our behalf, will the interviewer recognize our skills and talents? All of these situations are not within our control.

What, then, is within our control? It’s our behavior, our action that we bring to bear upon our job search. When we focus on process rather than results, we are able to give our undivided attention to the task in hand, be it refining our resume, scheduling our networking appointments, or immersing ourselves in researching the job marketplace.

When impatience or anxiety arises, concentrate on what you can control — your process. If you are diligent about mastering your process, the results will, in time, take care of themselves.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

AMA Job Support Group

The inaugural meeting of the AMA Pittsburgh Job Hunting Support Group will take place on Tuesday, March 3rd at 8AM. The event will be held at Big Dog Coffee at 2717 Sarah Street in the South Side. On-site parking is available. The event will focus on brainstorming and ideas for the new group. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Mike at by Monday, March 1st.

Hope to see you there to help this new group hit the ground running.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Networking Event on Thursday

Join your marketing peers for an AMA Pittsburgh happy hour event this Thursday, February 19th. The event starts at 5:30 PM and will be held at Backstage Bar - Theater Square Downtown Pittsburgh (655 Penn Ave.). Come meet your fellow members for drinks and networking opportunities. If you are not a current member, this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about AMA Pittsburgh in an informal environment.

There is no need to register for this event and there is no cost other than what you wish to drink. See you there.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chart of the Week

This week's chart comes from Marketing Sherpa. Sherpa surveyed and found that the most effective tools are the hardest to measure. In looking at this chart, I must say I am a bit confused. How do you know it is effective if you don't measure it? I'd love to hear your opinions. Feel free to comment.

Join the discussion on the AMA Pittsburgh blog by submitting your comments or topics.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Marketing Masters Tomorrow

Feb 12 Luncheon: Marketing Masters Panel
at the Doubletree Hotel

Featuring Grand Marketer of the Year winner Carnegie Mellon University and finalists Event Committee Pittsburgh, F.A.C.T, and Verizon. Panelists from each organization will present their winning campaigns and answer questions from the audience.
  • Marilyn Kail, Assistant VP Marketing Communications – Representing: GRAND Marketer of the Year Winner Carnegie Mellon University for “Randy Pausch and the Last Lecture”
  • Richard Schonbachler, Group Mananger - Representing: Verizon, winner of the Technology category for “FIOS Campaign”
  • Steve Wayhart, President, Brandmill - Representing: F.A.C.T (Friends Against Counterproductive Taxation) winner in Sports/Entertainment/Hospitality the category for “”
  • Bill Flanagan - Executive Vice President, Allegheny Conference on community development - Representing: Event Committee Pittsburgh, 1st runner-up - in the Non Profit category for “Pittsburgh, Imagine What You Can Do Here”

Register Online Now

Feb 19 Happy Hour: Cabaret at Theater Square Backstage Bar
Join fellow marketers of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Marketing Association for networking, free food and a cash bar. We'll be there from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.
You do not need to register, this event is free!
(655 Penn Ave.)

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Hidden Job Market

Today's post comes from Neal Griebling of Future Design Studio. Neal's topic is word of mouth referrals and the importance of networking. His advice is directly related to career searches, but can the theory can be applied to any business building activity.

Neal Griebling:

It’s a commonly accepted fact: 80 percent of the jobs in the United States are never advertised. This phenomenon is what is known as The Hidden Job Market. How do you penetrate that market?

Informational interviewing combined with mastering the art and science of work-of-mouth referral (WOMR) networking. These two strategies are absolutely necessary in finding work in a recessionary economy. Today let’s look at why you should adopt these strategies.

The current recession is impacting the entire economy. Many companies today are simply not hiring; actually, they are laying off workers. They are retrenching and not taking job applications.

Yet business leaders have problems and issues they must grapple with if they are to survive and prosper. There will always be a need for people who can solve problems, design new products, cut costs, and increase efficiencies within a company. Business leaders do not want meet job seekers; they may, under the right circumstances, consent to informational interviews with people who are referred to them by people they know and trust. And this is where you must employ your word-of-mouth referral networking strategy to create openings for yourself.

Be a part of the AMA Pittsburgh blog by submitting your topics or comments. Did you see the spread in Friday's Pittsburgh Business Times? What were your thoughts?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Barriers to Social Media

This week's chart comes from Marketing Sherpa. This space is often utilized to report on digital marketing trends. This chart fits right in with the barriers cited as reasons not to adopt social media. Lack of knowledge is right at the top.

AMA Pittsburgh can be a resource as you seek to gain knowledge with a variety of resources. Join the discussion on the AMA Pittsburgh blog by submitting your comments or topics.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Upcoming AMA Events

AMA Pittsburgh has an ambitious winter/spring calendar planned. Information on any event is available on the AMA Pittsburgh website. Here is a look at some of the events planned:

Feb. 12th - First Annual Marketing Masters Series - Features speakers from the AMA Pittsburgh Marketer of the Year awards, including Grand Marketer of the Year, Carnegie Mellon.

Look for a happy hour announcement for Feb. as well.

April 9th - Green Marketing Summit - A half day program chocked full of information on green marketing.

May 7th - Lou DePaoli of the Pittsburgh Pirates - Mr. DePaoli will present "Big League Marketing in Challenging Times"

Keep an eye out for additional Marketing Mixer events as well. We will report them in this space as soon as details become available.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chart of The Week

Our chart this week comes from Marketing Sherpa and details consumer company priorities for 2009. Email, SEO and paid search have the highest ranking. Display ads take the hit this year.

Join the discussion on the AMA Pittsburgh blog by submitting your topics or comments. See you at the Winter Mixer tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Recognizing What We Can Control

More bad news today regarding the economy. The unemployment ranks grew once again. You may be sitting at your desk worried about your own fate. Today's post comes to us from Neal Griebling of Future Design Studio and the topic is dealing with your fears.

These are extraordinary times and even the so-called economic gurus admit they are not sure how things will play out. It is natural to feel stress, anxiety, and fear in such an environment. Our fear also generates paralysis and resistance to taking any sort of action. We are prone to hunker down, do nothing and wait for conditions to improve. However, we cannot allow our fears and resistance to drive our career bus.

The first step we need to take is to Recognize what we can control and what is outside our control. Face it, most things are outside of our control: what will happen in the housing and credit markets, how global competition will erode American trade performance, how your company is positioned to withstand the loss of key customers. Well, what can we control? I would suggest it’s our attitudes and our behavior. We can choose to forget about past mistakes and refuse to indulge in doomsday scenarios of the future. Remaining grounded in the present allows us to focus all of our internal and external resources on what’s in front of us.

Neal Griebling
Future Design Studio

Join the discussion on the AMA Pittsburgh blog by submitting your comments or topics.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Don't Forget - Winter Marketing Mixer

Pittsburgh may be back in the deep freeze, but that is no reason to come warm up at the AMA Pittsburgh Winter Mixer. It is this Thursday and starts at 5:30 at McCormick and Schmicks, 301 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. $20 gets you 2 drinks, food, entertainment and an evening with your marketing colleagues. Register in advance at See you there.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Priorities for B-B Marketers

It is time for our first chart of 2009. This one comes from Marketing Sherpa. Sherpa surveyed top B-B firms to determine priorities for 2009 and then mapped these against complexity.

Join the discussion on the AMA Pittsburgh blog. Submit your comments or topics.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jazz It Up at the First AMA Mixer 2009

Please join us at our first AMA Pittsburgh Marketing Mixer of 2009
sponsored by Port Authority.

A $20 ticket gets you two drink tickets, food, live jazz piano, and an evening of networking and fun with your peers! Members, prospective members, and guests are welcome to attend.

Thanks to Our Sponsors:

HJ Heinz Company
Pipitone Group

Thanks to Our In Kind Sponsors:

JA Interactive
Hughies Audio-Video

Pittsburgh Business Times

For more information visit our website

Thursday, January 29, 2009 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
McCormick & Schmicks
301 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Word on the Transition to Digital Marketing

Saw this in WOMMA today and boy did it stick in my head:

The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) has warned that advertising agencies face growth of just 1.2% a year by 2016 if the industry fails to tackle the changes to the media created by sites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. The IPA warned that not enough agencies are adjusting to the online world. In its worst-case scenario, the resulting decline in paid-for advertising space could see $23 million of revenues lost by the industry by 2016, if agencies fail to create new products and services to cater to the social media world.

Join the discussion by submitting your comments or topics to the AMA Pittsburgh blog.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Early 2009 Trends in Web Marketing

Some interesting web marketing trends are emerging early in 2009. The economy has influenced several. Another factor in the development has been the continued shift to digital marketing. In fact, it seems to be on every one’s minds. The American Marketing Association have two webinars scheduled for later this month on the subject.

Trend: Shift to Pay for Play

There is a rumble out there that online publishers will again search for a pay to play model as advertising curtails. This is not a new model, but the prevailing attitude on the web is content should be free. Due to economic issues, publishers must now search for additional revenue and pay per play if accepted is a sustainable model. Also related to this trend, is the emergence of micropayments once again. Micropayments allow a small charge for content.

Trend: Emergence of Alternative Media

This trend is partially influenced by the emergence of digital media and partially by the economy taking its toll on traditional media outlets. Several newspapers are struggling for survival and experts predict that more will fall victim to the slow economy. Newspapers have failed to create a digital revenue stream other than advertising. This has lead to the trimming of staffs and that means less news reported. Blogs and other online media outlets are going strong. As they gain more credibility, PR will shift focus to these alternative outlets.

Trend: B to B Looks to Blogs

Businesses are starting to discover blogs. Industrial brands have begun to look to blogs as their second foray into web marketing. Their first was SEO which may or may not have included some pay per click. These brands have begun to realize the benefits of distributing content via blogs and the added SEO benefits.

Trend: Twitter Marketing Campaigns

Twitter is still looking for their own sustainability and revenue streams. However, the service is about to become inundated by marketing campaigns. First it was My Space and then Facebook took some thunder by doing it better. Now Twitter is poised to be the marketing flavor of choice.

Friday, January 9, 2009

5 Potential Popular Online Marketing Themes

Some potential themes that should be popular in online marketing during 2009.

1. Sustainability - Green marketing has been en vogue for several years. Sustainability takes it to the next level. Searchers will look to find more information on how they can be more green, but also save money in the process. 2009 will see them support companies that do the same and/or help them achieve this goal.

2. Financial Planning - This one is obvious after the events in 2008. 2009 will prove to be challenging as well. Can your brand fit with ways, tips, improvements, etc. for financial topics.

3. Career Tips - There will be many more people hitting the job boards and alternate sites in search of jobs or other career tips. Planning ahead can help these future seekers. Tips on networking, alternative education, certifications, and job seeking tips will be in demand. Can your brand engage with these people.

4. Games - Did you notice that games did not take a dip? In fact, GameStop reported great numbers. There is a common thread to human nature, we all like to be diverted from the real world. I expect this thread will be pulled often in 2009. Games are a favorite diversion. Can your brand get mind share by offering a game?

5. Entertainment - Same theory as #4. If your brand can fit (And you will be surprised that most can) with forms of entertainment, then you can use these vehicles to keep mind share. Online videos that entertain will continue to be popular on free outlets. Growth will continue in 2009, as I expect other avenues may decline such as pay tv.

Join the discussion on the AMA Pittsburgh blog by submitting your topics and comments.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Twitter Comes of Age

Interesting piece of news today. Twitter has grown up and by an interesting yardstick. Twitter has reached a critical mass, catching the attention of spammers. It is a shame that we have to measure viability by this measure, but you have not made it until you attract this kind of attention. Just ask My Space and Facebook.

Marketing Vox reports that users receive a direct message from a follower, bearing this or similar bait: “hey! check out this funny blog about you…”, followed by a link to a webpage.

After clicking on the link, victims are presented with a false Twitter login page. Usernames and passwords entered on the page become vehicles for spammers to distribute similar messages. A second scam jijacked some high profile accounts such as President-Elect Obama.

Twitter is tightening its security in response to the hackers. Users that fell victim to the phishing scheme can reset their password on Twitter.